速報APP / 遊戲 / Real Gladiators

Real Gladiators





版本需求:Android 2.2 以上版本


Real Gladiators(圖1)-速報App

A thrilling, pulsating, free to play arcade action gladiatorial combat game. Real Gladiators provides a unique and realistic gladiatorial combat experience on your very own mobile/tablet devices. The combat system has been designed from ground up for mobile/tablet touch screen devices with the vision of providing fluid and intuitive game play experience. Real Gladiators game play is a highly addictive and rewarding experience while being fun and challenging.

The graphical fidelity of Real Gladiators is of the highest standards for any mobile devices game. From the armor to the weapons you will feel the heat of metal against metal when you face off against the very best in the arena. And of course there is warrior leveling up system. The leveling up system is based upon 4 attributes ,namely - health, stamina, strength and armor. While being simple it provides enough upgrades that result in interesting character progression. But the upgrades aren't just interesting, they are crucial for pitting your gladiator against the stronger foes. You'll need all your skills and all your upgrades the defeat the very best.

Real Gladiators(圖2)-速報App

The game-play modes features a "Quick match" mode and a "Tournament" mode. Quick match mode allows you to randomly pick up any opponent from a list and have fun in the arena. While the tournaments offer bigger challenges and rewards.

So, are you ready to step into the coliseum? Are you prepared to stare death in the face.

Real Gladiators(圖3)-速報App

Real Gladiators(圖4)-速報App

Real Gladiators(圖5)-速報App

Real Gladiators(圖6)-速報App

Real Gladiators(圖7)-速報App

Real Gladiators(圖8)-速報App